Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I wanna cry tears of joy while screaming a scream of unhappiness.
I want to cry the tears of people making fun of me.
Be happy with the dace that i mioght have a date.
Cry me a river.
I dont dare tell on my sister for hurting me, cause i would be the ones who would get in trouble.
I hate this.
But love it,.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Do you understand how life changes.
My parents divorced 6 months ago.
My learn my father cheated on my mother.
With Ruth.
Last night at 12am i walked to Ruths.
She and my father knew i was going.
Me. Ruth. Chris. Amber. and David.
Thats who was there.
We all sat around and talked.
I dont mean like hows the weather,
I mean deep shit.
I mean how divorce changes people.
How being there for someone is all you can do sometimes.
My mom says those guys are no good.
But they treat me like i am an adult.
They treat me like i am somebody.
I am important.