Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I feel liberated.

I finnally came out to my parents within the past couple of weeks.
My dad flipped.
My mom was all power to the people.
Then she saw that article about the canadian boy who was gay and shot himself.
Now shes all...please dont die?
My dad was like come to my house.
Then was like eff you leave. And said he was going to break up with ruth because "her liberal ideas have gotten us no where. Its her fault im gay."
Then he wouldnt talk to me. Now he wants to go to a support group.
What. Ever.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Red Cup Affair

Last night I had a small bon fire at my house. I invited like 15 people, but the fairs in town so only 8 came. But it was SO much fun. It was all girls and me because no other guys could come. But we still had a freaking ball. We played never have I ever and we told stories. We sat around and had the most fun that i have had in a while. I became alot closer to some people. What made it nice was the fact that I was the only guy was there was no like hook up-cuddle pressure for anyone. Like we joked around. Told personal stories about drugs, hooking up, boyfriends, whos cute and whos not. Ate a wholllleeeee lot. But we had the best time. I really hope i get to do this again.