Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tell the world I said Hello

I invite Tamriage out to eat, he says no. Someone else in the group invites him, he says yes.
I invite Tamriage to go see Rascal Flatts, he says no. Someone else invites him, he is going.

What did I do recently to have my friends go ape shit on me?

Me and Kait are in a fight too. I told her we had some things to talk about, she didnt want to talk. I told her I needed a week away from her. I tried to talk to her again the other day, she refused to talk to me and made me seem like that bad guy. I told her Im done trying. If she wants to be friends, thats her. I just cant handle this anymore. Bitches be trippin

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Im gonna be ready this time

Bull. Shit.

So the friend I constantly mention on here, Kait, and I have had problems latley. So have her and Gabby.  Gabby talks to her about their problems first...Now kait wont talk to me.


I told kait I need a break from her. It will make life better if I have a week to clear my head and not to totally explode. But sorry, I really thought we solved problems in the grown up world by talking about them. But now Im about to cry because I realize how close I might be to losing my best friend. But isnt it better to confront the problems, and see what happens, rather than just living in resent?