Sunday, June 12, 2011

Defintion Please

My mother is a word. A word I can not even put together. Like, i dont think there is a word to describe her.

So after the drinking ticket crazyness my sister and I get our phones taken away. Reid got hers back because she had babysitting jobs. But she texts everyone all the time. Even was talking to my mom about this boy she was texting. My dad took her phone away because she wasnt supposed to have it, and she is crying.

I am supposed to go to dinner with my closest friends because we wont see eachother all summer. My dad said i could. Mom said I couldnt. I explained to my mom that its fair because Reid had her phone. I got in trouble.

Whatever bitch. Im done.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I know my heart will never be the same...

Listen to the song above. I love it. I am getting a lyric of it tattooed on me when i come out to my dad offically. Im getting, "Even on my weakest days, I get a little bit stronger." So anyways. At school I am very close to my civics teacher/debate coach. And Friday was his last day because he is moving to Nashville. On his last day, my teacher, a gay kid in my class and I were sitting in his room talking. And Mr. Whitmer came out as gay to me. The other kid already knew. This made me really upset. Not because i care thats hes gay, but because I feel like if i had known sooner, i would have had someone to talk to. I would have had a actual adult who knows what its like. I mean i have adults to talk to, but they are straight and dont know what its like. He does. Gah I really wish I would have known earlier.

So today my dad and I had this long talk about alot of shit. He talked I listened. Alot of bull shit about how he trys and i need to strat trying. He said is there anything you want to say, all i could think was how much I want to come out, but i didnt. I was scared.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Short and Sweet and to the Point

Its been a while guys, but i needed to post. My life has been topsy turvy latley. Thats why i havent been posting. But anyways, here we goooo,

Its funny how much i have changed in this last year. A year ago, i would have died if someone knew i was gay. Now im as open as a book. Everyone knows. Well, except my family and my scout troop. My dad kinda knows, he told his girlfriend he thinks its a phase. Fuck phases! Ive known this my whole life, just never told anyone. Like i love boys. Get over it.

Done for now, will blog later.