Saturday, January 5, 2013

Friendship Means Loyalty

So, time for a rant. A teenage, sex crazed, rant.

So my friends and I are planning the tradtional beach week trip for seniors. And we are a bit more organized than most people. We are establishing rules.

Rule 1) Dont sleep with anyone in the group.

Orginally my friend Kaitlin, who not only helped come up with this rule. was a full supporter. Well once we bring it up to my friend Tam, who is against it, she starts blessing me out saying its a bad rule. I agree with it because people could get their feelings hurt (LONG story short, last summer Kait and Tam hooked up after I asked them not to. In my house. In the same room as me while I was asleep. I woke up in the middle of it. Awkward.) Well she tells me "people shouldnt have restrictions. We should be able to do what they want. If you get your feelings hurt thats on you."

Am I wrong to get mad by that statement? I feel like if you should put your friends feelings first. If you know something will hurt your friends feelings, dont do it. Even if you think its irrantional they will be upset, they are still your friend and you should be loyal to them.

People are stupid. High School is stupid. My friends are stupid.

Side Note: I want a pen pal, any takers?

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